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Legal Information

Use of the website

The entire content of our website is protected by copyright and is the exclusive and entire property of Cardis SA, save where otherwise provided. Opening pages on the screen, downloading them or copying them shall not lead to the acquisition of rights (rights of use, intellectual property rights, etc). Without prior written authorisation, it is forbidden to reproduce, transmit (electronically or by other means), modify, link or use our website for public or commercial purposes, either in whole or in part. Similarly, persons who use the content and our website for illegal purposes shall be prosecuted.

Exclusion of warranty and liability

Cardis SA declines without exception all liability in the event of loss or damage, of any kind, incurred by it or third parties as a result of accessing or using the website or parts thereof, or caused by links to third-party websites. You access our website and use the information it contains at your own risk.

In addition, Cardis SA reserves the right at any time to suspend, modify or (temporarily or permanently) delete our website with or without notice.

Furthermore, all liability is excluded in the event of loss of earnings, Internet error of any kind (e.g. service interruption, dysfunctions, viruses, harmful components, terrorist acts, etc), misuse by third parties (consultation of data, copies, etc) or loss of programs or other data in your information systems. These exclusions apply even if our website should warn about the risk of such damage.

Links to other websites

Certain links of our website make it possible to access third-party websites over which we have no influence. We therefore do not assume any responsibility concerning the completeness, exhaustiveness and legality of the content and links with other sites which appear in it or any products, offers and services which are presented therein. The same applies where these sites contain the logo of our Cardis Sotheby’s International Realty mark or another protected name. Your use of websites accessible by links is under your own responsibility.

Governing law and place of jurisdiction

The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any disputes involving you, in the capacity as a visitor and user of our website, shall be the head office of Cardis SA in Lausanne. Swiss law alone shall apply.

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